signs of mesothelioma


signs of mesothelioma

How to Detect Mesothelioma Signs and Symptoms Immediately?

Mesothelioma also referred to as asbestos cancer is categorized into two major forms. The pleural form of cancer involves cancer cells in the lung or chest tissues. The peritoneal form of cancer entails cancer cells in the abdominal tissues. Aside from these types, there are other malignant forms that affect the heart tissues, which is the pericardial form. This category is considered to be the rarest of all cancer forms. Each type of cancer has its corresponding symptoms, considering the origin of the cancer cells.
signs of mesothelioma
Early Signs
The common symptoms of Mesothelioma normally appear after 20 or 30 thirty years of the asbestos exposure. In fact, not all experts can diagnose the disease in its early stages. Some symptoms are regarded to be as normal ailments such as a simple cough, fever, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty in swallowing. Early signs of this disease often times include breathing problems and digestive malfunctions. People with the condition tend to disregard these symptoms, considering them as simple sickness. The mis-diagnosis of such ailment could lead to sudden death since immediate treatment was not implemented.

Symptoms of  Pleural Mesothelioma
Since this type of cancer occurs in the chest tissues, the symptoms of such disease are manifested in the same area. The common symptom is the shortness of, also known as dyspnea. Other signs include chest pain, back pain, and even unusual weight loss. Some patients who were diagnosed with such disease experienced pain under their rib cage. Other doctors diagnosed, further signs such as blood clotting and the appearance of tumors in those affected areas.

Symptoms of Peritoneal Mesothelioma
On the other hand, the symptoms of this cancer type are manifested throughout the abdominal area. The signs of peritoneal cancer include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and abdominal swelling. Patients who were later diagnosed with this disease found some lumps and tumors in their abdominal cavities. Blood clotting also appeared in some cases. Similar to the pleural Mesothelioma form of cancer, patients also experienced weight loss for unknown reasons.

Early Detection
Whether it’s pleural or peritoneal, this form of cancer is surely fatal. Many people have suffered from this ailment and lost their battles. Individuals who were significantly exposed to asbestos can still hope for early detection and treatment. The technological advancements can detect the symptoms as early as possible. Biopsy, thoracoscopy, laparotomy, and thoracotomy are just some of the technologies used today. These advancements can greatly help in the detection of Mesothelioma.


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