cord blood


cord blood

Get To Know The Cord Blood Or Cord Blood

The cord blood that is widely found in the ari-ari babies when born turned out to have many health benefits for the little one in the future. Fortunately, with the advancement of medical technology at this time, mom and Dad can store umbilical cord blood the little one. A full explanation about cord blood and saving mom and Dad can refer to the following.

Cord Blood 

Umbilical cord blood is the blood taken from the umbilical cord newborns, and embryonic cells are progenitor cells, so being able to transform into other cells. Other properties of umbilical cord blood hematopoietic cells, so it is able to transform into any type of blood cell. In a related development, the cells in the cord blood can transform into all types of cells when placed in a tissue or organ of the body to another. In other words, these cells can turn into nerve cells, blood cells, skin cells, and are also able to reproduce and produce other cells in its limited capabilities. This ability makes many medical researchers use umbilical cord blood to heal more than 80 deadly diseases such as cancer, strokes, heart disease, and many other diseases.

Since the 1990 's, have started a lot of the people who store their child's cord blood for potential use in the future. The process of retrieval of umbilical cord blood is it only takes a few minutes, but mom and Dad had to take the decision to store umbilical cord blood or not before the birth process. After the little one was born, doctors have about 15 minutes to cut and clamp the umbilical cord, so that the blood on the cord will fit in the bag. Blood can also be taken with a shot, just like when Mom was injected to take blood. After fit, the cord blood is then frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored.

Proponents of cord blood storage says that the process of retrieval of umbilical cord blood is in no way endanger the mother and the baby. But there are those who say that the process of storing umbilical cord blood are sometimes too quick to do, because sometimes a little blood in the umbilical cord to flow back to the baby before the umbilical cord is clipped. According to parties who do not agree with the storage of umbilical cord blood, umbilical cord clamping too quickly reduces the flow of blood and oxygen that the baby needed, so that will increase the risk of various diseases in infants. When mom and dad are interested to store umbilical cord blood the little one, it's been a lot of ' bank ' that serves saving umbilical cord blood (cord blood bank). When mother and father intend on storing umbilical cord blood the grassroots, mothers and fathers should be ready to pay a sizable, ranging from the cost of retrieval, testing, and storage. In addition, there is the annual storage fees need to be paid moms and dads.

The difference with cord blood stem cells of the bone marrow

Before the umbilical cord blood, medical technology is also able to transform stem cells from bone marrow into various cells needed to cure various diseases. But stem cells from umbilical cord blood has some advantages and disadvantages when compared to the stem cells from the spinal cord. Before deciding whether mom and dad are going to save the cord blood, we recommend the little mom and dad used to listen to the advantages and disadvantages of the following.

The advantages of umbilical cord blood:

Stem cell transplant therapy of spinal cord level requires 100% match to avoid the fatal side effects such as decreased immune system. But cord blood transplantation therapy does not require 100% match rate, so that the cord blood can be used for more types of patients.
Imperative stem cell spinal cord to fit 100% between donors with recipients make the search process a donor stem spinal cord takes a long time. But patients who need a transplant usually requires medical handling as soon as possible.
  Disadvantages of cord blood:


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